What is the Difference Between Keto and Low-Carb Diets?

Keto(genic) and low-carb diets are similar in the fact that they both focus on eating less carbs, but there are some big differences between the two.

I admit that I tend to use them interchangeably because what you consume is so similar. I’m currently on a low-carb diet and I’m working toward a ketogenic diet.

Low-carb diets typically restrict the carbohydrate intake between 20-100g per day. What a person consumes on a low-carb diet all depends on the individual’s need and goals. Low-carb diets are typically characterized by a lower carbohydrate intake, a moderate increase in protein, and a decrease in fats.

On the other hand, a ketogenic diet is more restrictive. Keto diets focus on a very low carbohydrate intake (less than 20g per day), moderate increase in proteins, and a higher intake of healthy fats. The keto, or ketogenic diet causes the body to enter a state of ketosis, causing the body to burn fat for fuel instead of glucose.

Another difference between low-carb and keto diets is what you are allowed to eat. Low-carb diets still allow some grains, beans, and some fruits and veggies that may have a slightly higher carbohydrate content.

Ketogenic diets only allow for clean eating. This diet only allows low carbohydrate fruits and vegetables, clean and healthy fats, and encourages people to eat more fiber.

Choosing between a low-carb diet or a keto diet really depends on the individual’s goals and what they feel is more sustainable in the long run. In my experience, if you want to reach weight-loss goals quickly, keto is the way to to. I also feel that it is easier to start on a low-carb diet and work towards a ketogenic diet.

As always, be sure to consult with your doctor before making any significant changes to your way of eating.


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